May 03, 2007

It looks like we have a booth after all. Now it's time to get busy. Plenty of irons in the fire- just need to finish. Also plan to make my own prints- learning curve on that. And I bought a domain name for a website months ago- it needs finished work and general construction. Hey with a blog, who needs a website?

March 09, 2007

I enjoyed learning from a tutorial of Feng Zhu's website. I am inspired by his work. He is a great designer.

February 06, 2007

I am still gearing up for Comi-con working on new pieces. This is a
banner to be displayed at the Con
in July -yet we found out that we
might not get a booth! Ouch! It's very full and we are on
a waiting list. We will know by the
end of March. Meanwhile, I'm
collecting work for my website- to be posted soon.